Doing research has been easier than ever as there are millions of sources at our disposal. For every creative work we do, there has to be some idea to it; the idea that is going to either be transformed in a piece of writing, a video, a film or anything that interests you.
As far as making a film goes, it is very tricky to transform your basic idea into a
story-telling through a visual medium. The process of bringing your thought from
your mind to the screen is long but if you do it right, your hard work pays-off.
There are of course advantages and disadvantages of the visual medium. But if one
component is strong, your film is going to clear all other tests, that one thing is
your 'SCREENPLAY'. The screenplay is the blueprint, the first and foremost
document for production. You shouldn’t write a screenplay unless and until you
want it to be made into a movie. Or else, you can turn your idea into a novel.